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How GIANTS Netball star Amy Sligar makes her everyday easier with Merlin

When preparing for a busy day, keeping things organised at home is just as important as a balanced breakfast or a good night’s sleep. As a professional athlete, Amy Sligar knows how small moments of added convenience throughout the day can make a big difference.

As a Major Partner of GIANTS Netball, Merlin sat down with young gun, Amy Sligar, to find out the secret behind balancing a professional netball career with her studies, all while keeping her game face on.

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and your netball career?

I am a midcourter for the GIANTS in the Suncorp Super Netball. I started playing at Camden Netball Association and continued through the NSW junior pathways. In 2021, I made my debut for the GIANTS before signing my first full contract in 2022.

Why netball? Was there a certain moment or player that inspired you?

I’ve always loved netball! It’s been a huge part of our family ever since I can remember. My twin sister and I used to watch my mum play, and were so inspired to be just like her. We couldn’t wait to get onto the court! We used to love going to training together and being part of the same team.

Growing up, I idolised players like Liz Ellis and dreamt of playing professional netball. I started my journey when I was seven years old and I can’t imagine life any other way!

What has been the ‘magic moment’ of your career to date?

Every time I step out on court is a magic moment. I’m so grateful to do what I do each week.

How do you keep organised during the busy netball season?

One word: planning! Life gets very busy between training, travelling for games, uni and work, so it’s important to stay organised and plan ahead. 

I use the myQ Connectivity Bundle, which connects my garage door opener and smartphone, and I can set schedules ahead of time to close the garage door once I’m home for the evening for that extra peace of mind.

Little time savers also really add up when there is a lot on. I love being able to come up my driveway and open my garage door with the click of a button on my Four-Button Car Visor Remote – after a long day, not having to dig around in my bag is a big plus!

What tips do you have or tools do you use to make the everyday easier when balancing training, games, and other commitments?

Be prepared for the day; write a to-do list, stick to your schedule and don’t be afraid to ask for support when you need it!

I’m sometimes away for weekend games and my Merlin Wireless Keypad, which is connected to my garage door, allows me to set unique codes for anyone who might need to come through the garage to check on the dogs. Not having to worry about hiding a key in the front yard and knowing everything is taken care of at home, means I can concentrate on bringing my best on the court.

What’s your top access hack?

I love having the myQ App on my smartphone. I’m very forgetful, so it’s nice to be able to easily check whether I closed the door if I’ve rushed out. With one less thing to worry about, I can focus on the day ahead.

What advice do you have for those wanting to try out Netball or get back into playing a sport?

Give it a go! Netball is so much fun, regardless of your skill level or experience. There is a place for everyone.


Thank you Amy for taking the time to share how you balance the busy season. Congratulations on your incredible career so far, and we can’t wait to see what’s next for you on the court!

Watch the video below to see how Amy uses Merlin to simplify her day-to-day.

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